Capital equipment for the entire fineblanking process

Even within established markets there are potential alternatives!

iO Industrial Services cooperates closely with carefully selected partners who are already firmly established in their dedicated fields. The specific task of iO Industrial Services is to further promote the brand recognition of our partners in established and expanding markets.  


Hans Weber Maschinenfabrik based in Kronach, Germany is our cooperating partner for the deburring of large volume automotive parts produced by the fineblanking and sintering processes. Marketed under the WEBER brand, the facility in northern Bavaria fabricates and assembles over 150 grinding and deburring systems each year. The customer base includes a wide range of specialists in the metal processing and woodworking industries. Specifically well established in the downstream finishing sector of fineblanking production are the NLCA series wet working systems.


Botech AG of Emmenbruecke in Switzerland is tightly integrated as our R&D partner for deburring and brushing tools for the WEBER brand and other OEM equipment. Flap discs and brushes made from proprietary materials developed in-house have positioned Botech AG as the pioneer in this sector. Wherever precision and cost effectiveness are key parameters driving deburring and brushing processes, considering Botech AG technology is an absolute must. 


Mori Iron Works from Saga on Japan’s Kyushu Island is our partner for fineblanking presses. With over 30 years of experience in building both mechanical and hydraulic FB presses, the company is well established throughout Asia and the USA. Their business strategy now includes a focus on entry into the European markets. Initial steps towards establishing a successful presence have been implemented.

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iO Industrial Services Rauch

Zelgmatt 69, 8132 Egg

Office: Gewerbestrasse 9, 8132 Egg


+41 78 767 80 99